You’re giving a presentation to a high stakes client. You’ve delivered this presentation at least 10 times before and you’re brain is going, ‘Sigh… here we go AGAIN… ’. If you’re one of those people that sometimes gets bored or feels flat when you’ve given a...
Discover expert tips, actionable strategies, and inspiring insights to elevate your public speaking, communication skills, and professional presence.
The 4 Hour Work Rule: Work Smarter Not Longer To Get Better Results From Your Public Speaking
How many of you would like to get better at public speaking but work less hours preparing? A show of hands? Yup, my hand is right up there with yours. I’ve discovered something called The 4-Hour Work Rule and it’s all about getting better results from your...
The Three P’s: 3 Must-Have Tools For Women That Will Help You Crush Your Public Speaking and Presentations
As women in business, we are often on the back foot coming into high stakes meetings or virtual presentations. This isn’t because of any lack of preparation or lack of knowledge in your field. Right now there are just more men than women at the highest...
Don’t Get a Speeding Ticket: Slow Down Your Delivery in Public Speaking and Reap The Rewards
No one wants to get a speeding ticket. The fact is that speeding may get you to where you’re going a few minutes ahead of schedule but ultimately the price of crashing, being penalized, or losing control of your car just isn’t worth it. It’s the same with public...
3 reasons why public speaking skills are hard skills and must-haves in order to grow your business
I love Warren Buffett. Honestly, I really love this guy when it comes to public speaking skills. Warren Buffett is one of the biggest proponents for learning public speaking skills and why they will make or break your business success and your efficacy as a...
Nerves vs. Excitement: How To Manage Nerves And Perform At Your Best
I love speaking at events. Right before I go on stage I get a bump of adrenaline that takes me from the every-day and puts me smack in the middle of the energy of the moment. I'm buzzing and I feel like a rock star. But I didn’t always feel that way. There was a time...
Mastering the Art of Storytelling: 3 Ways to Transform Everyday Stories into Powerful Narratives
Storytelling in public speaking is one of humanity's oldest traditions - one that has been passed down through generations, transcending borders, languages, and cultures. It’s in our DNA to love hearing stories and tell stories that connect us with other people and...
How to Ace Your Virtual Meetings: 5 Simple Tips for Success!
I bet no one had Virtual Communication Techniques on their syllabus when you were in college. I know I sure didn’t. Who knew a year ago that online and virtual communication would become such a necessity? It’s been a steep learning curve but what I’ve...
Elevate Your Public Speaking with These 4 Unconventional Practice Techniques
Most people avoid pressure and stressful public speaking situations because they… well, put you under stress and pressure. And we avoid public speaking situations where we feel fearful, anxious, or panicked because they’re unpleasant and we associate them with...
Secrets To A Sensational Alternative Virtual Interview or How To Ace Your AVI
There’s a new kid in town in the online interview process. It’s called the Alternative Virtual Interview (AVI) and it’s been making the rounds in business for the last few years. Gone are the days when Round 1 of the interview process meant meeting...
4 Must-Have Skills To Help You Own Your Authentic Voice in Public Speaking
The words ‘authentic speaking’ are bandied about regularly in business circles these days and the idea of ‘authenticity’ is the buzz word of the month when it comes to public speaking. But what is 'authenticity'? I often wonder if we really know what the word...
How To Own Your Virtual Meetings & Presentations: 5 Ways to Ace Your Next Zoom Call
It’s no surprise that we’re still doing a lot of our business communicating on virtual platforms. Jumping on a Zoom or Teams call used to be the exception but since the Pandemic, it’s now the rule and for some of you, your default communication platform. ...
5 Top Public Speaking Tips for Non-Native English Speakers
Public speaking can be a challenge for anyone on a good day but when you’re a non-native English speaker, there’s an added layer of pressure and complexity. I work with many clients for whom English is not their first language and there are tools in their...
5 Powerful Public Speaking Strategies To Present Like A Pro. And They’re Not What You Might Think…
Here’s the thing. Your physical presence matters when it comes to getting the results you want from your business communications and public speaking. Why? Because your body and how you choose to use it is key in making or breaking a great...
Unleash Your Power in Public Speaking: 5 Secrets That Will Give You the WOW Factor in Speaking and Presenting
I know what you’re thinking. Public speaking is a skill for the few, the gifted, or people who are born with the gift of the gab. This could not be further from the truth. Public speaking is not merely someone impressing you from the stage; it's an opportunity...
5 Lesser Known Public Speaking Skills That Will Turbocharge Your Public Speaking & Presenting Audiences are smart. They know when you’re really invested in what you’re talking about or if you’re just trying to be interesting and convince them that you’re fabulous. There are public speaking skills that everyone trots out like ‘Use...
5 Reasons Public Speaking Coaching Will Turbocharge Your Business Communications & Presentations
It Will Help with "Um's" and "Uh's" Public speaking is a powerful tool for communication, but it often comes with challenges, one of the most common being the use of filler words like "um" and "uh." These verbal pauses can detract from the message and make the speaker...
4 Ways To Use Storytelling To Nail Your Presentations and Captivate Your Audience 100% of the Time
Storytelling is an age-old tradition that transcends cultures, languages, and generations. It has a unique ability to captivate minds, convey messages, and create lasting impressions. And when it comes to public speaking, stories bridge the gap between you and...
Grab My Ultimate
7 Secrets to Master Your Public Speaking & Speak Like a Pro