4 Must-Have Skills To Help You Own Your Authentic Voice in Public Speaking

The words ‘authentic speaking’ are bandied about regularly in business circles these days and the idea of ‘authenticity’ is the buzz word of the month when it comes to public speaking. 

But what is ‘authenticity’?

I often wonder if we really know what the word ‘authentic’ really means. 

You want to be authentic in your communications and reach people on an emotional level, that much is true.  There are whole workshops and webinars devoted to finding your authentic voice when it comes to public speaking, presentations, and pitching.

But how do you go about finding something when you’re not even quite sure what it looks like?

Don’t despair.  You’re not alone.

Owning your authentic voice is not about perfection, following a set of rules, or ‘getting it right’ all the time.  It’s much more about awareness of what you’re doing, how it supports your message, and being present with your audience.

Here are 4 techniques that can help you on your way to being more of the best of yourself more of the time and owning your authentic speaking voice. 

  1. Authentic Speaking Means Ditching The Script 

The ‘Word For Word’ Trap

Having all your words in front of you so you don’t forget them seems like a great idea.  Doesn’t it?

It’s not.  Authentic speaking is all about sounding like you’re having a conversation with the audience.  If you’re reading from a script, you will sound like you’re reading from a script.  And no audience wants to hear how beautifully you can write.  They want to hear YOU.

It’s imperative that your audience be able to access you as a person in order to make an emotional connection with you and the story you’re telling.

Sketch Out Your Story

By all means, use notes to sketch out your content.  Have one sentence or word for each section and memorize those short headings for your introduction, key areas, and conclusion.  This gives you structure without wearing a straight-jacket.

Authentic speaking comes from allowing yourself to connect to your story on an emotional level so your audience can connect with you on an emotional level.

Remember:  What you are is what we get as an audience.  If you are personally connected with what you are saying, we will be too.


  1. You Can’t Get Around Practice And Preparation

Now that you’ve got a structure for your content that allows you to be authentic with your delivery, it’s time to get to work.

Authentic speaking requires practice and preparation with accuracy and tenacity.  It is only when you know your story backwards and forwards that you truly are able to fly and include your audience.

The best authentic speaking and storytellers make the audience feel that they are included and part of the story.  This comes from practicing and honing your delivery so that it feels like part of you.

When you practice any skill, you are creating new memories.  Your body, voice, and brain are inextricably linked.  So anything you learn physically, like repeating an action over and over, will stay with you longer than memorizing text word for word.

Bringing action and physicality into your rehearsing will help to cement those words into you more efficiently and indelibly.  Use your hands, eye contact, and movement when you’re practicing your words.

  1. The Audience Is Hearing You For The First Time

 After practicing and preparing, you will have said those words and told that story until you’re sick of the sound of your own voice.  You might start to worry how you’re going to shine with authentic speaking if you’re bored with your story.

But remember:  When you speak those words for your audience, they are hearing them for the first time.

Every time you speak in front of one person or an audience, it is the first time sharing that space, that story, at that time, and on that day, for all of you.  So, in effect, each time you deliver your content, it is the first time.

Remembering this is what helps in authentic speaking.  Remembering that you are sharing your story for the first time helps you to keep things fresh for yourself and, ultimately, the audience.

  1. Breath = Authentic Speaking

I can’t stress enough how important breathing is in relation to authentic speaking.  Breath is the fuel for all great speaking and communication because it is the fuel that drives everything.

From supporting the sound of your voice to helping manage nerves, breathing gives you bang for your buck as a communication tool.

Authentic speaking needs support and fuel.  When you are breathing fully and getting a high quality of breath, your words and story will also be supported by that breath.  Breathing gives your words power.

Short, shallow breathing means poor quality fuel for your words.  By contrast, deep, full, grounded breathing yields high octane, Ferrari-grade fuel that will put power underneath your words and choices.

Also, authentic speaking is directly linked to nerves and how you manage that nervous energy.  It’s difficult to ‘be yourself’ when you’re shaking like a leaf and can’t control your own voice.  Deep, grounded breathing helps to combat those shakes and settle your energy.

 Authentic Speaking Is About Imperfection

 This might sound counterintuitive but authentic speaking and being the best of yourself is as far away from being perfect as the moon.

Perfection is overrated.  And perfect people make the rest of us feel a little bit uncomfortable anyway.  If someone seems like they have no faults and aren’t human like the rest of us, it’s a bit unnerving.

What audiences really respond to is people who are human and capable.  People like to see that you’ve put the time in to being prepared and professional for them, which shows that you value their time as well as your own.

Don’t worry if you make mistakes.  Pausing for too long isn’t verboten; instead, use it to take a breath instead of panicking.  That’s you being authentically you, and being an authentic you builds trust between you and your audience.

Your audience wants you to be great.  It makes their job easier.  Prepare, practice, and in the words of Bob Dylan ‘know your song well before you start singing’.

Meet Maria

With over 20 years of experience, Maria empowers leaders and professionals to communicate with confidence, clarity, and authenticity. She has worked with top organizations like Google, Amazon, and LinkedIn, helping clients transform their speaking skills and own the stage. Whether you’re delivering a pitch, leading a meeting, or presenting to thousands, Maria’s expert guidance will help you connect, captivate, and inspire.

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