
Physical presence

Reset, Refocus, And Resume:  3 Secrets To Zoom Presentation Success When You Zone Out

We’ve all been there. You are halfway through a Zoom presentation or face to face meeting and you realize you’ve zoned out and gone on autopilot.  And you have no idea what you’ve just said for the last 5 minutes. Or you blank during a speech and can’t remember what you need to say next.  …

Reset, Refocus, And Resume:  3 Secrets To Zoom Presentation Success When You Zone Out Read More »

Maria Tecce

Nerves vs. Excitement: How To Manage Nerves And Perform At Your Best

Nerves vs. excitement is a dichotomy that has flummoxed many coaches and performers alike. The question is: Which is which and how do you recognize which one you’re feeling? Here are 5 tips to recognizing when you’re feeling nervous/excited and what to do about it.